09/16/08 Meeting: Competition

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening September 16th at 6.30pm at the usual meeting place, the Provo Library. Please try to be on time since we will be having a stereo picture competition and would like to have your votes!

We have chosen for this competition to show relatively new pictures – those taken this year. We will be awarding points as at the last competition. Pictures can be either film or digital and both types will be projected.

If you plan on digital pictures please send them to me by email several days before the meeting, so that I can get them setup for projecting. Ken Luker will be projecting the film pictures and running the program.

Competition will be held for these subjects:
Best Landscape
Best Human Interest
Best Short Story
Best of Show

These are the subjects we picked in January. We are still small as a group and we will have to see what happens if we can really have competing pictures in each category.

We are committed to send ten slides to the ISA Code program by the end of September and it might be well to choose those pictures at our meeting. We will have an opportunity at a future meeting to project the slides from the other world-wide clubs from this new ISA Code September group.